Leading in tough times: Jeff Pollock, Owner & Principal, Pollock Commercial

Jeff Pollock's approach to tough times, as shared on Connect CRE

Throughout the month of August, Connect CRE is running a series titled “Leading in Tough Times.” We’ve asked leaders around the U.S. and across the commercial real estate spectrum to share their wisdom and discuss lessons learned. In this installment, you’ll hear from Jeff Pollock, owner and principal of Pollock Commercial.

Q: What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned about leading in a challenging environment?

A: The biggest lesson I have learned in the last few years as a leader is the need to project positivity, even if you don’t have all of the answers. People need that, they need to have hope. Showing energy and optimism demonstrates to people that any adversity or disappointment is temporary. Better things are ahead and we’ll get there together.

For example, we had clients during the pandemic call with genuine concern and pain and we needed to provide a safe sounding board for them in confidence and share with them that it was going to be okay. I could see results from that positive energy that I was sharing.

Q: What’s the most common mistake leaders make in an inhospitable market?

A: Impatience is a dangerous tendency for leaders in an inhospitable market. My lived experience has been that sometimes a solution or next opportunity will be just around the corner if we can only hold out long enough to recognize it.

Q: What leadership advice would you like to give your younger self?

A: Think big and go for it, particularly in a market like Atlanta, where in my view there’s unlimited opportunity. There’s no reason not to be bold. Don’t wait for others to do things for you. You control your own destiny. I absolutely learned it from watching others, but it took too long for me to do it. Be faster, I’d tell myself.

Click here to see all of Leading in Tough Times.